We Are Sanctuary of Light
Welcome to our sanctuary in Palomino. We are Paulina, Pedro, our cats, and dog, and we invite you to enter this oasis where healing goes beyond the physical and becomes an experience of inner transformation. Here, you will find a space to reconnect with yourself, rest, and elevate your consciousness.
In this land of ancestral wisdom, the spirit of the Sierra Nevada welcomes you from the very first moment, surrounded by flowers, birds, fireflies, and prana. Our home is located in a sacred territory, protected by four indigenous tribes who act as spiritual guardians of this place.
Our Ceremonies:
Our sanctuary is a portal designed to elevate your vibration and magnetism, helping you manifest an abundant and radiant life. We offer individual, intimate, and personalized retreats, exclusively tailored for you or for you and your partner. The exclusivity of these retreats ensures complete privacy, allowing you to explore your deepest levels of consciousness with openness and trust.
You will work with a team of therapists specially selected for your process, led by Pedro and Paulina, who will guide the ceremonies and ensure that your experience is harmonious and transformative.
Sanctuary of Light: Energy and Vitality:
Located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, our sanctuary is surrounded by the pure energy of the earth and mountains, with underground deposits of white quartz that radiate prana. This space is imbued with the ancestral wisdom of the Koguis, who keep the spiritual vibration of the environment alive.
From the moment you cross the threshold of the sanctuary, a lush and vibrant garden embraces you, connecting you with peace, love, and abundance from the very first moment.
The Transformation Process:
Over 4 days and 3 nights, we will accompany you through a process of support and healing that includes:
Comprehensive Diagnosis: Interview, tests, and medical evaluation.
Deep Cleansing:
Use of ancestral medicines, plant teas, breathing techniques, and massages to cleanse the three bodies.
Sacred Silence:
Disconnection from external noise, without cell phones, so you can focus on your inner self.
Introspection and Healing: Sound therapies, Reiki, and other practices to balance your energies and reach deep levels of consciousness.
Elevation of Vibration:
Use of psychedelic medicines such as Bufo, mushrooms, and cannabis, along with breathing exercises, to recall the path to elevated consciousness.
At the end of these days, many discover that emotional blockages and pains dissolve, leaving space for new clarity and harmony in their lives.
Your Stay at the Sanctuary:
You will stay in an eco-friendly cabin with a private garden, where you can enjoy nature in total privacy. The cabin's bathroom is designed to offer you a unique experience, allowing you to relax under the stars and connect even more with the natural surroundings.
The Guardians:
Paulina Pérez is a medicine woman and holistic therapist with over 20 years of experience. Her journey began at the age of 15, after a near-death experience that led her to awaken her gift of guiding others towards healing in love and the manifestation of their dreams. Today, Paulina is an activist and co-creator of a global women's movement of holistic women @lalobaconlaluna, she is dedicated to helping to heal and raise the vibration of the planet.
Pedro Veintimilla, a guide of the quest, is an explorer of consciousness who has forged a deep connection with the essence of the Sierra Nevada. His approach combines Hermetic principles, ancestral medical traditions, Zen meditation, and shamanism. He uses sound, vibration, rapé, and kambo to manage energy and guide you towards expansion and liberation.

Bienvenido a nuestro santuario en Palomino. Somos Paulina, Pedro, nuestros gatos y perro, y te invitamos a entrar en este oasis donde la sanación trasciende lo físico y se convierte en una experiencia de transformación interior. Aquí encontrarás un espacio para reconectarte contigo mismo, descansar y elevar tu conciencia.
En esta tierra de sabiduría ancestral, el espíritu de la Sierra Nevada te recibe desde el primer momento, rodeado de flores, aves, luciérnagas y prana. Nuestro hogar se encuentra en un territorio sagrado, protegido por cuatro tribus indígenas que actúan como guardianes espirituales de este lugar.
**Nuestras Ceremonias:**
Nuestro santuario es un portal diseñado para elevar tu vibración y magnetismo, ayudándote a manifestar una vida abundante y radiante. Ofrecemos retiros individuales, íntimos y personalizados, adaptados exclusivamente para ti o para ti y tu pareja. La exclusividad de estos retiros garantiza completa privacidad, permitiéndote explorar tus niveles más profundos de conciencia con apertura y confianza.